Wigan Warriors coach on 'inexperience' - and being 'accountable' to Shaun Wane

Matty PeetMatty Peet
Matty Peet
When someone as meticulous as Shaun Wane suggests Matty Peet is ‘obsessive’ about coaching, you know he’s put the yards in.

“He’s a real student of the game,” said Wane. “I read a lot but he reads double the amount I read. He’s obsessive.”

Peet – one of the rare examples of a coach being given a top job without a pro career – has studied his way to the top.

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Reading, listening, meeting, visiting...soaking up information and experience like a sponge.

Which means that, at the age of 37, he’s been fully endorsed by Wane, the club’s new leadership and management director – as well as Ian Lenagan and Kris Radlinski – to lead the Warriors rebuild.

But does he feel at a disadvantage because his education was more off-field than on-field?

“If you look at it, I’ve got here because of that,” he said.

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“I know the perception is that I’m inexperienced, but I’ve been doing this for a long time. And I’ve really exhausted every single opportunity to improve.

“I like to read and listen to things, I like to visit new places, and bring them back and implement them into my practice.

"I’ve always been very curious, and I’ve always wanted to improve myself, the people around me and the culture we’re in.

“There’s no point just reading something and keeping it to yourself.

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“It’s about trying to impact as much of the picture around you as possible.

“I think I’ve already evolved as a coach, I’ve certainly mellowed.

“When I first came into Wigan, I wanted to drive everyone to be better every single minute of every single day.

“I’ve understood since that there has to be highs and lows in terms of the pressure, sometimes there are up and down days, but it ultimately leads to improved performances.”

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While Wane has welcomed the appointment of Peet, the new man is just as delighted to see his old mentor returning to the club with whom he tasted huge success as a player and as a coach.

“The influence Shaun’s had on me is second to none really,” Peet acknowledged.

“When I moved from coaching on the scholarship to the reserves in 2010, Shaun was leaving the reserves to join Michael (Maguire) and John (Winder) with the first team.

“So I was sat on the edge of that, what felt like a coaching revolution, and Shaun was the one who opened it up to me.

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“He gave me access, he always explained why certain things were being done, he took a lot of time to develop me, upskill, me, challenge me.

“Through all that we struck up a really good friendship, where we bounce ideas off each other.

“And I feel this is a natural progression of that. He’ll always be there on the other end of a phone to give any advice I need.

“Whether it’s how to deal with a player, or even how does he think we played at the weekend, I think he’s the perfect person to have with me.

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“He will hold me accountable for the standards, the culture, respect – everything we want the future of this club to be built on.”

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