Teen confesses to Leigh man's canal murder

Scott AndertonScott Anderton
Scott Anderton
A teen has admitted murdering a man found dead in a canal at Leigh.

Liam Bailey, 18, of Diamond Street, Leigh, appeared via video link at Manchester Crown Court accused of killing 33-year-old Scott Anderton and entered a guilty plea.

A 16-year-old boy from Standish and a 17-year-old from Scholes, who cannot be named for legal reasons, also appeared on video link to enter not guilty pleas to the same crime and a trial date of August 31 was confirmed.

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Emergency services found the body of Mr Anderton in the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, near Leigh Bridge in Leigh, on Thursday March 25.

Police discovered he had died of multiple stab wounds and a blunt trauma injury, and a murder investigation was launched. An inquest into Mr Anderton’s death was opened in April but was adjourned pending the conclusion of criminal investigations.

All three defendants are also charged with robbery, which they have all denied; and two counts of attempted robbery from the same day against two different men, to which they entered not guilty pleas.

Charges of actual bodily harm and grievous bodily harm with intent relating to another incident on September 1 2020 on another man were also put to the trio.

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Bailey, of Diamond Street, Leigh, entered guilty pleas in relation to the assaults.

One of the boys charged with GBH pleaded not guilty.

The three defendants were remanded in custody until the next hearing.

After Mr Anderton’s death, his family said: “Scott did not have a bad bone in his body and was genuinely the most caring, loving, kindest person you could meet. The love for his family meant everything to him.

“He made time for anyone he met and would always be there if anyone needed help. Even on the darkest of days Scott was always positive and had the cheekiest smile which was infectious.

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“Scott was our kid! “Our family have been robbed of a son, dad, grandson, brother, nephew and uncle.

“There is an emptiness which can never be filled and our family will never come to terms with their loss. “The only comfort we can find in all this madness is knowing that he will finally be at peace with his precious baby girl back in his arms.

“You are truly loved Scott. We promise you will never be forgotten and your memory will live on so it’s not goodbye forever, our kid, but just goodbye for now.

“You will forever be our diamond in the mud.”

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