Chandelier thief faces crown court sentencing

Haigh HallHaigh Hall
Haigh Hall
A Wigan man who stole four ornate light fittings from a landmark hotel has pleaded guilty to the crime and will be sentenced at crown court.

Shane Moseley had been due to appear before magistrates earlier this month but failed to show up on the date of his first hearing.

He has since been tracked down and last week admitted stealing the chandeliers from Haigh Hall hotel and causing £2,100 worth of damage on December 30 last year.

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The 25-year-old will be sentenced at Bolton Crown Court on June 7 and has been banned from entering Haigh Hall’s grounds before then.

In addition to the theft offence, Moseley, of Pryce Avenue, Ince, will face sanction for his initial court no-show having pleaded guilty to a Bail Act offence.

According to court documents, the chandeliers are worth £1,500 each. Moseley will have to reside at his home address and report to Wigan Police Station the day before his sentencing heari.