Family in anxious vigil after heart op

Dave Hughes and familyDave Hughes and family
Dave Hughes and family
The family of a Wigan dad who has been fighting for his life following a recent heart transplant, have received another devastating blow.

Dave Hughes, from Whelley, underwent the gruelling 12-hour operation on Friday last week and has been under sedation in Newcastle Hospital ever since due to complications.

The 32-year-old, who is dad to 18-month-old George, went back into surgery yesterday afternoon in an attempt to get blood flowing to his new heart.

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But unfortunately his partner and George’s mum, Louise Sedwick, was later told that the operation had not worked and that Dave would need to be administered a new drug to help kickstart the organ.

“The operation didn’t go the best,” she said. “When they turned the machine off Dave’s heart did work a little but not as much as it should or needs to.

“They are starting him on a new drug and then will try again in a couple of days as a last go.

“There’s nothing much more they can do if his heart doesn’t start working properly.”

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Dave has battled health problems after being born with a congenital defect which means that his major arteries are the wrong way round.

At age 27 he was told that he would only have five years to live without the new organ.

Ever since, he and his family have campaigned to raise the awareness of organ donation so that other families would not have to go through the same agonising wait for a transplant.

When Dave finally got the call on Friday, he and Louise were prepared to go up to the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle for the procedure.

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But since leaving theatre, Dave has suffered a number of setbacks.

On coming out of surgery he had a reaction to one of the drugs and then needed several blood transfusions after losing so much of his own after the operation.

Louise has said she is “hopeful” for his full recovery and remains in the hospital with her parents and son George, who has been to visit his dad.

The family has said that they have received “overwhelming support” from members of the public and that Dave has inspired people to sign up to become a donor.

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They are urging people to share Dave’s story across the country along with the hashtag #positivethoughtsforDave to help raise the profile of organ donation.

Anyone wishing to sign the register should visit