Staff and pupils at St John’s Primary school, Pemberton, celebrate in style as they dressed up in clothes to represent different decades to commemorate the 140th anniversary of their school.Staff and pupils at St John’s Primary school, Pemberton, celebrate in style as they dressed up in clothes to represent different decades to commemorate the 140th anniversary of their school.
Staff and pupils at St John’s Primary school, Pemberton, celebrate in style as they dressed up in clothes to represent different decades to commemorate the 140th anniversary of their school.

CLASS ACT: Wigan school celebrates 140th anniversary in style

Staff and pupils at St John’s Primary school, Pemberton, celebrated in style as they dressed up in clothes to represent different decades to commemorate the 140th anniversary of their school.

Each class researched a different decade fromn the school’s lifespan, the pupils and staff donned costumes relating to that decade, as well as studying what life was like in their chosen era.

The classes then mixed together to have a party and listen to some of the music from the past. Headteacher Mark Speakman said: “The children are always interested in the rich history of our school and to see them in their amazing costumes, thoroughly engaged in that history is great to see.”

The school also held an open day for all past pupils, parents, staff and friends of St John’s. It was very well attended event where visitors were able to look around the building, tell old stories over a coffee and look at the many photographs on display from the late eighteen hundreds onwards.

Mr Speakman added: “To see past pupils meet up for the first time in years and reminisce about their old teachers made it all worthwhile. There were two gentlemen who hadn’t seen each other since they were at school in the 1930s. They were able to share precious memories of their time at St John’s as well as where life has led them since.”

The school also held an open day for all past pupils, parents, staff and friends of St John’s. It was very well attended event where visitors were able to look around the building, tell old stories over a coffee and look at the many photographs on display from the late eighteen hundreds onwards.

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